
Friday, May 21, 2010

I will begin by saying I disagree with the "give yourself up to a Higher Power, even if it's only this wastebasket." I say, "TAKE YOURSELF BACK!" First, not many of us (if any) know who we are. Second, the implication that you're lower than a wastebasket is seriously ridiculous. Everyone is (on the Inner) an extremely powerful entity. We have been conditioned since birth to lose everything we already have. Since I was about seven years old, I've been different. By the fourth grade, I can remember standing on the playground field with Karen Thoel, talking about Parellel Universes. Of course, I didn't know I was talking about that, but that's where my thoughts were. I don't believe that's the usual type of thinking for a fourth grader. If there's anyone else out there who had like thoughts, please let me know. Oh, and by the way, there is in NO WAY anything special about me. I am an ordinary person with all the ordinary problems and live a basically ordinary life. I just have a bit of a "scewed" perspective of life. I don't pretend to be anything other than what I am. My latest T-Shirt reads "Twisted Bitch." I have taken myself back. Life gets better every day.

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